Clothes traceability


trazabilidad de las prendas, diseño y plano técnico
Step 1
Design and plans
We make the design and its technical drawing
Step 1
trazabilidad, elección de materia y bajada de punto
Step 2
Material and lowering of the knitting
We choose the best material for the garment and make a knitted test of it
Step 2
programación de la prenda
Step 3
Clothing programming
Step 3
prototipo y rectificaciones
Step 4
Prototype and rectifications
We make the prototype with the yarn we have chosen and we make the corrections of the garment
Step 4
Step 5
Prototype weaving
We knit the final prototype with the final colour and stitch
Step 5
producción de la prenda
Step 6
To production!
We give it the go-ahead... and into production!
Step 6


Step 1
Design and plans
We make the design, its technical drawing
Step 1
Step 2
CLO3D Patterns
Pass it to the CLO3D software, where we make the patterns and the first digital prototype
Step 2
Step 3
Fabric search
We search for the best sustainable fabrics and materials for the garment
Step 3
paso 4 de prototipo a físico
Step 4
From digital to physical prototype
We turn the prototype into a physical prototype with the chosen fabric
Step 4
fabricación de los tejidos
Step 5
Fabric manufacture
We manufacture recycled post-consumer plastic fabric in a factory in Barcelona
Step 5
teñido de las telas
Step 6
Fabric dyeing
We bring the fabric to be dyed to the colours of the collection and season, in a sustainable and local way
Step 6
Print pattern marking
Step 7
Print pattern marking
Step 7
Step 8
Garment making
Step 8
a producción prendas de deporte
Step 9
To production!
We give it the go-ahead... and into production!
Step 9
Shopping Basket
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