Are you ready to go with the autumn changes?

We are in the middle of autumn and our forests are changing their shades; the new WEVE outfits want to share their colours with nature!

Discover LIQUEN, FOREST AND OLIVO in our web site theOctober 17th and fill your wardrobe with exclusive, sustainable and versatile garments!

El LIQUEN LIQUEN is a combination of a fungus and an algae that lives in symbiosis on the bark of trees, rocks or other surfaces, usually in humid areas of forests. Discover in each of the garments the combination of two fabrics with different textures to symbolise this living being of the forest and immerse yourself in the most powerful symbiosis of nature.

FOREST FOREST The protagonist family of our AW2324 collection. This set represents the vegetation that makes up the forests of our blue planet, thus choosing the dark blue colour. On the sides of the garments the stitch forms a pattern that symbolises the mixture of branches and leaves so that you can feel the harmony and tranquillity that nature transmits.

El OLIVO es un árbol pequeño perenThe OLIVE TREE is a small, long-lived evergreen tree that can reach up to 15 m in height, with a wide crown and a thick, twisted trunk. Its bark is finely fissured, grey or silver in colour. The leaves are opposite, elongated, rounded at the tip and dark grey-green. These garments reflect the green and greyish colours of the olive tree, and the twisted shapes of the trunk and branches, combined with the rounded shapes of the leaves. hojas opuestas, alargadas y por la punta redondeadas y verdes grises oscuras. Estas prendas reflejan los colores verdes y grisáceos del olivo, y sus formas retorcidas del tronco y ramas, combinadas con las formas redondeadas de las hojas.

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